Communications Society (COMSOC)

The Long Island Chapter of the Communications Society (COM-19) serves LI technical professionals and businesses in the communications industry by providing lectures and seminars on various communications topics, including smart-antenna technology, position location, data communications, mobile communications, and homeland-security applications. Please contact us if you have any suggestions.

Technical Meetings, Lectures and Events

Mar 13, 2019 — Lecture: Satellite Communications
Dec 04, 2018 — LoRaWAN to Enable IoT at Scale

IoT Lecture Series

IoT Lecture Series

Session one: Drone Enterprise Data – A journey from the sky to enterprise workflow In corporations throughout the world, data ...

News and Articles

5G: Signal Transmission & Reception Part 1 and Part 2

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This is the collection of the slides, viewgraphs and materials presented at the technical meetings and lectures of the Computer Society.

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