Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT)

The Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-17) provides a networking environment for LI technical professionals involved in the development and application of microwave/RF hardware.

Technical Meetings, Lectures and Events

April 16, 2020 LI RF/Microwave Symposium and Exhibits

Oct 3, 2023 Lecture: Medical Applications of MHz to Sub-THz Waves

News and Articles

MTT-S Chapter of IEEE Long Island recognized as MTT-S Outstanding Chapter for year 2017

MTT-S Chapter of IEEE Long Island recognized as MTT-S Outstanding Chapter for year 2017

Our Section's Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Chapter has been recognized by the MTT Society (MTT-S) as the year 2017 ...

This is the collection of the slides, viewgraphs and materials presented at the technical meetings and lectures of the Computer Society.

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