Employment Assistance

The Employment Assistance Committee (EAC) focuses upon the needs of those engineers located in the Long Island area who prefer direct employment to independent consulting. The committee makes available materials, and provides periodic meetings and/or workshops, that address the following areas:

  • Professional development of those who have chosen an engineering career path.
  • Retaining and increasing the number of engineering employment opportunities on Long Island.
  • Efforts that stress the “Value of an Engineer” and encourage more local students to go into the engineering field.
  • Strategies that engineers can use to maintain employment in an uncertain job market.
  • Benefit, compensation and work environment issues that engineers face.
  • Retirement issues faced by those who have been employed as engineers.
  • Non-technical topics that may be of interest to employed engineers.
  • The needs of unemployed engineers.
  • Sending dates of job fairs/leads, notices of potential jobs, & meetings/seminars providing guidance with resumes/job sites/interviews.

Industry on LI
To search for jobs, click on LI Company Web Sites

Career Information
> WSJ How-to-Guide for Careers
> IEEE Employment Opportunities
> Newsday Job Listings
> Resume Guidance

> Join IEEE Long Island
> LI Consultants Network (LICN)
> NY Department of Labor
> Washington Alliance of Tech Workers
> US Department of Labor

> Career Manager

Technical Meetings, Lectures and Events

News and Articles

Guidance for interviews

Guidance for interviews

Charles Pleckaitis, the Chair of our Section’s Educational Assistance Committee and the IEEE Life Member, suggested that we publish this ...


By Charlie Pleckaitis IEEE Chair Employment Assistance Committee, LI Section FINDING A NEW JOB [1] If you are not satisfied with ...

Presented Slides, Viewgraphs and Materials

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