Life Members

The Life Member (LM) designation is applicable to an IEEE member who has reached the age of 65 years and who has been a member of IEEE (or one of its predecessor societies) for such a period that the sum of his age and his years of membership equals or exceeds 100 years. The Life Member Committee of the IEEE LI Section caters to the interests of LI Life members and encourages these members to mentor and provide assistance to younger LI engineers.


Technical Meetings, Lectures and Events

ExCom Technical Meeting: How to Create IEEE Meetings and Display on IEEE LI Chapter Web Browsers?

ExCom Technical Meeting: How to Create IEEE Meetings and Display on IEEE LI Chapter Web Browsers?

The Long Island (LI) Chapter of IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) in collaboration with the executive committee, Employment Assistance Committee, ...
ExCom Technical Meeting: How to Create IEEE meetings and Display on LI Chapter Web Browsers?

ExCom Technical Meeting: How to Create IEEE meetings and Display on LI Chapter Web Browsers?

The Long Island (LI) Chapter of IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) in collaboration with Life Time Member Affinity group Presents ...
Life Member Affinity Group meeting 10/31/2019

Life Member Affinity Group meeting 10/31/2019

The Long Island IEEE Life Member (LM) Affinity Group Is having a meeting titled: Senior Engineer’s Meeting Thursday, October 31, ...

News and Articles

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Presented Slides, Viewgraphs and Materials

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