Executive Committee (ExCom) members only.
ExCom Email Login
If you are an Executive Committee (ExCom) member with access to a “@ieee.li” email, use the link below to log into the web email account. Please use your “@ieee.li” email (such as “pulse@ieee.li” or “awards@ieee.li”) and your assigned password to log in.
If you do not have your password for ExCom Webmail, please contact the Long Island Section’s Webmaster.
Website Dashboard (Webmasters Only)
SAMIEEE – Section Vitality Dashboard (Officers Only)
Section Vitality Dashboard is provided under SAMIEEE and is operated and maintained by IEEE. It is not maintained by the Section. For any problems, please contact the relevant person at IEEE SAMIEEE support.
Access the tutorial (PDF, 2 MB) on using the IEEE Section Vitality Dashboard.
vTools Training
The recordings of the November vTools Training Summit are now available on the vTools blog; click here to access.
vTools: Schedule a Meeting, or Report a Meeting (e.g. submit L31 report)
Click here for the ONLINE TUTORIAL for vTools Meeting application.
Click below to access the IEEE vTools Meeting website.
Once on the page:
Note: the information below is current as of 2016-12-01.
- select “Create an Event” to schedule a meeting, or event in general
- select “Edit an Event” to change a previously created event
- select “Events Reporting” to search through or report a meeting (L31 reporting)
You will need to log in with your IEEE ID. You must be an officer of a Chapter, Affinity Group or Section to access vTools or SAMIEEE.
Report Officer Changes
Click below to report IEEE officer changes in the section, chapter, affinity group, or committee.