Computer Society (CS)

The LI Section supports a local Chapter of the IEEE Computer Society (C-16). With nearly 100,000 members, the IEEE Computer Society is the world’s leading organization of computer professionals. The Computer Society’s vision is to be the leading provider of technical information and services to the world’s computing professionals. The Society is dedicated to advancing the theory, practice, and application of computer and information-processing technology. The Computer Society attracts both Software and Hardware engineers.

Technical Meetings, Lectures and Events

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News and Articles turns one turns one

The ancient druidic belief is that on Halloween night demons and evil spirits roamed the earth with joy. Halloween 2016 ...
Computer Society (CS) Scholarships

Computer Society (CS) Scholarships

The IEEE Computer Society (CS) supports student members through scholarship opportunities. These scholarships encourage excellence, and foster academic achievements among ...
Borderless Cyber USA Conference 2017

Borderless Cyber USA Conference 2017

IEEE Computer Society Long Island often co-organizes events with the OWASP Long Island. Here is the latest information from the ...
LIHacks - Long Island Hackathon, call for mentors

LIHacks – Long Island Hackathon, call for mentors

To volunteer as a Mentor, please fill in the form et the and of this page below. Scroll down to ...
Internet handover: ICANN takes IANA

Internet handover: ICANN takes IANA

Today, October 01, 2016, at 12:01 am Washington DC time, the IANA functions administered by the US government for nearly ...
Chart of the Day: The iPhone Cycle

Chart of the Day: The iPhone Cycle

Today, Apple is unveiling new products on the company's event in Sand Francisco. As I write this, Jeff Williams is ...
LIHacks Hackathon 2016

LIHacks Hackathon 2016

LIHacks Hackathon 2016: Mentors and Students invited! LIHacks is Long Island's first high school hackathon, organized by high school students ...
New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) 2016

New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) 2016

The 2016 New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS) will be held on August 14-17, 2016 at New York University. The ...
Internet Splat Map, by Steve Jurvetson

Reinventing World Wide Web

On 7 June, Tim Berners-Lee who created the World Wide Web, met with other top computer scientists in San Francisco ...

This is the collection of the slides, viewgraphs and materials presented at the technical meetings and lectures of the Computer Society.