I hope everyone has had a good start for fall. I offer my prayers and good wishes for all the world’s citizens who have been affected by the powerful storms, hurricanes, and weather-related misfortunes. We are once again reminded how our technological advances and energy consumptions influence the equilibrium of nature. I hope we all take our responsibility in this matter seriously and work to restore balance in nature.
On that note, I would like to report that IESC2017 was a great success and we had all the energy leaders of New York State talk about their plans for reforming the Energy vision towards the goal of 50% reduction of reliance on fossil-fuel-based energy by the year 2030. The conference was organized by Renewable Energy and Sustainability Center at Farmingdale State College. It was a two-day event on Oct 19 and 20 with 430 attendees between the two days. The photos show energy leaders during their presentation on the morning of Oct. 20th. I thank all from the IEEE-LI who helped and attended.
I invite everyone to join Power and Electronic Symposium on Nov, 9th. There is no admission fee, but we ask that people register.
Happy Fall!!!!!
Marjaneh Issapour, IEEE-Li chair 2017