Happy Spring!!!!!
We have started the new year 2017 with a lot of enthusiasm and innovative plans. Our primary objective is to make the Section effective and serve its members to meet their professional needs. As mentioned last month, we have outlined several plans including the use of social media to recruit new volunteers, as well as involve the current officers to launch new and useful programs that will make IEEE more visible and worthy to the technology fields
We held a successful introductory training session on February 27th. Most of society and affinity group chairs and officers became more familiar and comfortable with “Do it yourself” concept on the new website. The collaborative development is what true engineering and innovation is about.
The major upcoming event is the Awards Banquet program to be held on March 29 at the Fox Hollow in Woodbury. Please check the awards banquet page in the Pulse for detailed information about the program. I look forward to seeing you all at the banquet.
Any new member in the Section is highly welcome to attend the Executive Committee meetings and serve on a committee. Please check the website for the meeting dates, available positions, and procedure for attending a meeting.
Any comment and recommendation will highly be appreciated by the members. Please send your feedback to chair@ieee.li.
Looking forward to seeing your active role at different meetings and activities.
Warm regards,
Marjaneh Issapour MSEE, P.E., SM.IEEE, CCNA