Chair’s Message, June 2024

On March 21, 2024, the IEEE Long Island Section hosted its Annual Awards Banquet at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury. Over 100 engineering professionals and their guests attended this event. The evening began with a cocktail reception, providing attendees an opportunity to network while enjoying
delicious hors d’oeuvres.

We were honored to have Professor Chad Bouton from the Institute of Bioelectronic Medicine at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, Northwell Health, as our distinguished Keynote Speaker. He captivated the audience with his presentation on revolutionizing medicine with brain interfaces and AI, sharing his personal experiences and insights.

The event continued with the recognition of the accomplishments of many extraordinary engineers within the Long Island Section and Region One. Congratulations to each award recipient:
Dr. Andrew Sass, Art Salander, Professor Milan Toma, Bill Wilkes, James Martino, the Stony Brook University IEEE Student Branch, Lonni Chu, and Lorenzo Lo Monte. Please take the time to locate their photos in the following pages.

The LI Section is grateful to the various organizations whose sponsorships and advertisements supported the IEEE Long Island Section and helped make this evening possible. Our sponsors include Zebra Technologies, Stony Brook University, TTM Technologies, Hindle Power, Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, New York Institute of Technology,, Retlif Testing Laboratories, Farmingdale State College, John Vodopia, ESQ., Advanced Technical Marketing (ATM), and Testforce.

Finally, I would like to personally thank everyone who helped prepare for the 2024 Awards Banquet. This includes the Awards Nominating Committee, the Banquet Planning Committee, our graphic designer Anthony Giresi, Kurt Kubik, Island Pro Digital, Paul and the team from Astoria Communications, Photographer Michael Craven, Dana from Feriani Floral Decorators, Crown Trophy, Provvi and the entire staff from the Crest Hollow Country Club. Their efforts made this stellar event possible.

Rhonda Green,
IEEE Long Island Section Chair, 2024