I hope all our Section members had an enjoyable if somewhat subdued holiday season. This year is at least not a reprise of last year’s dreary winter. Outdoor dining and social gatherings have seem to have lost their novelty if not their necessity. However, on the brighter side, it is the season for predictions. I am usually not one for resolutions or forecasting, but I will make a few:
1) Section events, lectures and seminars will see many more hybrid events using a combination of virtual and in-person attendance
2) Given the above, many of our members will now become conversant with Zoom, WebeX and Google Meet, among other platforms
3) A return to full normalcy will not occur until the summer, at which time I propose the Section have a celebration, either in June if possible or September at the latest.
With regard to the Pulse itself, we are still accepting submissions for content. If technical or analytic, they should be at a level acceptable to working engineers. Opinion pieces and news items are also welcome, although the IEEE will take no position on subjective content. They should not be political and should have some bearing on electrical engineering and its ethics and practice. Articles on diversity, STEM and outreach are especially welcome. We may consider developing an “industry partners” section for press releases from Long Island engineering firms, but they should not be in the form of advertisements. Suggestions are welcome.
Planning continues on several events in anticipation of the easing of pandemic restrictions. These include:
• EJCLI Engineers Week Seminar Series (Engineers Joint Committee of Long Island), tentatively February 16.
• LISAT Conference, tentatively May 6. The call for papers is here. Note the deadlines for authors.
• The IEEE Long Island Section Awards Banquet, still scheduled for March 31. Keynote speaker will be Michiko Minty and the subject is the Brookhaven Electron Ion Collider.
My wishes to the Section for a healthy, happy and successful 2022.
Arnold Stillman
IEEE Long Island Section Chair, 2022