Chair’s Message, January 2021
Happy New Year to all. I hope it was a healthy and somewhat joyful one, given the pandemic. My son’s friend had this to say…
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2021-01-04
Happy New Year to all. I hope it was a healthy and somewhat joyful one, given the pandemic. My son’s friend had this to say…
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2020-12-03
The winter of our discontent is closing in upon us, and we have several more months of pandemic response to go before we see even…
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2020-11-03
This November will be a month to remember. Thanksgiving this year may not be the holiday we would love to celebrate in the usual fashion….
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2020-06-12
Nominations are now open! The IEEE Long Island Section is still attempting some form of normalcy by formally starting the procedure to elect the next…
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2020-05-14
As we close in on two months of shutdown and social distancing, we are reminded how valuable our interactions and associations are. The return to…
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2020-03-30
The coronavirus pandemic is the greatest challenge we may be facing since WWII. Our response to it will reverberate for decades if not longer. After…
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2020-03-12
As spring approaches we all look forward to one of the main events of the year for the Long Island Section Awards Banquet. This year’s…
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2020-02-18
A new year is now upon us, and the mission of the IEEE remains the same, to provide our Long Island Section members with unique…
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2020-01-11
A happy and healthy New Year to you and your families. Let’s hope 2020 is a successful and auspicious new year for the IEEE and…
Chair's Message, Hot Topic 2019-12-09
I would like to thank the 2019 Officers, ExCom members, and everyone who has contributed to the IEEE Long Island Section. Your ongoing support for…