Call for IEEE Long Island Section Award Nominations

Acknowledging the accomplishments of our peers is important to our profession. Each year, our Section gives several awards in various categories. You are encouraged to submit nominations for worthy candidates. The nomination forms can be downloaded here:

Section Award nominations must be sent to the Chair of the Awards Committee, no later than December 1.
The nominations will be reviewed by the Section’s Awards Committee.

The names of the Section Awards and their criteria are listed below:

Alex Gruenwald Award

This Award honors an IEEE member who has made significant contributions to our profession on Long Island, and to the IEEE at large. Alex Gruenwald was an IEEE pioneer in the area of professional activities. He was a very active member of the Long Island Section and went on to be a Region 1 Director.

Athanasios Papoulis Award

This award is presented to educators in engineering, science, or mathematics, either living or teaching within the boundaries of the Long Island Section of the IEEE, who have demonstrated innovative teaching techniques. Athanasios Papoulis was a distinguished professor at Polytechnic University who was committed to promoting quality technical education on Long Island.

Charles Hirsch Award

This Award recognizes an IEEE member who has made an outstanding technical contribution that has benefited Long Island. Charles Hirsch was a creative engineer at Hazeltine.

Organization of the Year Award

This award recognizes a Long Island company or educational institution involved with electrical, electronic or computer engineering for a noteworthy achievement. The award is intended to encompass a broad category of achievements that can include areas such as a new product or system, as well as providing significant assistance to the IEEE Long Island Section. Examples of this include providing meeting space or financial support for IEEE activities.

Harold Wheeler Award

This Award recognizes an IEEE member who has demonstrated outstanding technical and management abilities. Harold Wheeler was a world-famous engineer, who throughout his career at Hazeltine and Wheeler Labs, made many important technical contributions. He was a founding member of the IEEE Long Island Section.

Jesse Taub Lifetime Achievement Award

This Award is given to a member who has demonstrated continual and distinguished leadership, outstanding career-long contributions and service benefiting the Engineering community and the IEEE LI Section. This award is the highest honor the IEEE Long Island Section bestows on an individual. Jesse Taub brought his talent, boundless energy, technical expertise and wise focus both to his impressive career as a Microwave/RF engineer and to his exceptional volunteer activities in the IEEE.

Velio Marsocci Outstanding Student Branch  Award

This award is given to an IEEE Student Branch associated with a Long Island educational institution that has had noteworthy activities and encourages student interest and membership in the IEEE. The award is named in memory of Dr. Velio Marsocci who was a Distinguished Professor at Stony Brook University and a dedicated Faculty Advisor to their Student Branch for many years.

Outstanding Volunteer Award

This award honors a Long Island Section member for substantial contributions to IEEE volunteer activities at the International, National, Region, Section, Chapter, or Society level.

Outstanding Young Engineer Award

This Award honors a Long Island IEEE member who has made important technical contributions prior to his or her 35th birthday.

Each nomination must be received by December 1, and will be reviewed by our Section’s Awards Committee. Each nomination should describe the nominee’s accomplishments that relate to the Award criterion and should suggest a suitable citation.  Those selected will be honored at our annual Awards Ceremony in the Spring.

Please send all nominations to :
Awards Committee Chair at