Chair’s Message, December 2020

The winter of our discontent is closing in upon us, and we have several more months of pandemic response to go before we see even a hint of normalcy returning. However, the social distancing and remote meetings do provide an opportunity to plan for our emergence from these times. The Awards Banquet, for instance, will now take place on September 9, 2021. It will combine awards for both years into the single ceremony and we look forward finally to a social event that actually has people in attendance.

The LISAT Conference will also occur in the fall of 2021 and several dates are under consideration. During the last planning meeting, a suggestion arose that the conference feature online tracks in addition to the in person attendance. This may be a common feature of our meetings in the future, allowing for the possibility of a stratified fee structure for events of this type. The Power Electronics Symposium and Microwave Symposium are also scheduled for the fall of 2021.

We will shortly be sponsoring an Online Job Fair and Employment Assistance Committee workshop. More details will follow and there will be information on the website as the details get finalized.

Finally, this month we have the third installment of our internship reports. This one is from David Wan, who did an internship at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Wishing everyone a very happy holiday season and a joyous New Year. Please stay healthy.

Arnold Stillman
IEEE Long Island Section Chair, 2020